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dont look at me i didnt want that as my top genre either
#my vocaloid fan is fucking SHOWING here dear god#i didnt expect kakattekoiyo by nakamura emi to be there but its kinda .... super good.. she really ate with that one#eternal by fokushi shouldnt count because i was obsessed with that song for like a full month 😭😭😭 (okay still kinda am#the only reason why two rav songs are here is because i got super fucking into rav at the end of the year dont know why (still am#glitch is my top artist because i put her lofi shit on when im working it helps me focus n shit#plus its really nice#she deserves to be here ive been listening to her all my life tho#got into circusp more this year :thumbs u#DONT WANNA BURST YOUR BUBBLE!! BUT I BEEN THERE DONE THE ROUNDS
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He saved me/ part 3
Summary: the reader is in a abusive relationship. When things take a turn for the worst she finds help in the winchesters.
Warning: there will be smut, violence, torture, abuse and language. If youre triggered by any of this do not read.
I gasped and looked up at the smiling doctor. "What...what did you say?"
"Parker. He done this. Youre lucky you lived through it. He will be happy to know youre alive." He said with a sneer.
I started shaking and the heart monitor was beeping eratically. "Who are you?" I managed to find the words and he bent down close to my face.
He smiled and his eyes flashed black. "Im a demon." My breathing becoming shallow and my heart beat so fast that i thought it was going to burst out of my chest. "Demons arent real." I whispered and he just laughed and stood up straight.
"Oh we are real, what do you think parker is? Now be a good girl and dont say anything to anyone about this and i will give a good report back to parker. He might go easy on you." With that he turned and walked out. Dean hurried in right after him.
Dean noticed how panicked i was. "Whats wrong (Y/N)?" Dean said grabbing my hand. I seen doctor gram outside the door shake his head and put his finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet. I shook my head and tried to put on a facade to make it seem like i was okay.
"Nothing, i guess its just where the doctor told me about all my injuries. I realize how close i was to death." I exhaled slowly, "thank you for saving me dean, but you dont have to stay here. Im not your responsibility."
He looked at me with a puzzled look. "No im not leaving you. When they release you youre coming with us. Im not leaving you here for that asshole to find you." Dean said looking over his shoulder as sam walked in.
"Im going out for food. What do you guys want?" Sam said standing awkwardly in the room. His massive frame seemed to make the room seem small. Dean spoke first "pie and my regular." Sam nodded and then they both looked at me. I shook my head "nothing for me, thanks."
Dean shook his head, "you have to have something to eat. You either tell sam or i will." He said but i could tell he was just trying to take care of me.
I sighed, "i dont know. Id like to have some pizza." Sam nodded his head and left.
Dean smiled, "see now was that so hard?"
I chuckled and shook my head. Dean turned the tv on and was flipping through channels, nothing of interest was on so he settled on some comedy show. We sat in silence for a few minutes before i spoke up.
"Hey dean do you have a pen and piece of paper?"
He searched his pockets and came up empty. He walked over to the side table where there was a pad of paper and a sharpie. He handed it to me then went back to watching the tv. I began writing on the paper.
'I dont like it here. I wanna get out of here.'
I passed it to him and he took it and skimmed over it. He looked up at me with a worried look and opened his mouth as if to say something. I shook my head and put my finger to my lips. He understood and began scribbling. He passed the paper to me.
'Why? Whats going on?'
I fliped the paper over and began writing.
'The doctor knows parker. Hes going to tell him im alive. He will come for me.'
Dean read what i wrote and i saw his jaw clench before he quickly scribbled something.
'Let him try to come for you. Ill put a bullet between his eyes.'
'No dean, the doctor something is wrong with him.'
He looked at me puzzled and i took the paper back from him.
'He told me he was a demon. His eyes turned black. He said parker was a demon.'
Dean read what i wrote and nodded his head he folded the piece of paper that we wrote on and put it in his pocket. He took a clean piece and began writing.
'Me and sam will take care of that.' He held the paper up for me to see then folded that one and put it in his pocket as well. I furrowed my brow and looked at him. He winked and started watching tv again.
How could he be so calm with the information i just told him. Soon sam walked in with two paper bags and a large box of pizza. He placed the pizza in front of me and i had to admit it smelled amazing.
Dean rolled the table across the floor and placed mine and his food on it. Sam had a salad and he went and sat in the corner where he was earlier. They both dug in to their food. I took one piece of the pepperoni pizza from the box and took a bite. I moaned at how amazing it tasted. Sam and dean both chuckled but i could see a fire in deans eyes before he looked away. I ate four pieces and then pushed it away.
"I cant eat another bite." I said patting my stomach.
Dean smiled and rolled the table to the other side of the room. "The good thing about pizza is that it makes amazing leftovers. How long has it been since you ate?"
I looked down at my hands. "Three days. Prior to the incident."
Dean growled but didnt say another word. He walked over to sam and pulled out the piece of paper we had wrote on earlier. He looked up at dean they seemed to have a silent conversation with each other. Sam nodded and got up and walked out.
Dean came back and sat beside me, folding his hands behind his head and stretching his legs out in front of him. He looked over at me and winked again.
Sam came back in after about an hour being gone. He had a big duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Dean shut the door to my room as sam set the duffle bag in deans chair. Dean walked over and unzipped it, he pulled out two bottles of water some salt and then a big knife.
I gasped and moved back on the bed wanting to get as far away from the object as possible. Dean placed it in his jacket and held his hands up.
"No, no sweetheart. Its okay." Dean said quietly.
"The last time a knife was pulled out in front of me i ended up here." I said quickly.
Sam looked at dean with anger etching his features. "You didnt tell her?"
"Tell me what? Are you working with parker? Please dont hurt me." Tears welled up in my eyes.
"Sweetheart, were not going to hurt you. This is for the doctor. Then parker." Dean said sitting on the edge of my bed. "Were hunters. We hunt monsters, vampires, werewolves, demons and on and on. I know its hard to believe but the demon doctor is very real as you saw for yourself."
The doctor said he was a demon and his eyes did turn black. He wasnt human or was he? My head was so clouded and i was so confused about everything. Everything in me wanted to scream and run but running was out of the question because of my leg. So i had no choice but to trust the brothers.
I nodded and tried to relax. Deans shoulders slumped as i agreed with him. Sam sighed and spoke then. "(Y/N), i know its alot to take in but we can prove it to you. Just trust us, were not here to hurt you. Were here to help you. I promise."
For some reason i believed them. "Okay, so what are you going to do?" I asked quietly but tried to sound courageous.
Sam spoke instead of dean, "you are going to have to call the doctor in here. Say you need him to check your stitches or anything. Once hes in here we will take care of the rest."
Dean shook his head, "sam shes been through enough we can figure out another way."
"The only other way is to follow him to his house and we dont need to leave her alone here. In case..." sam didnt have to finish his last sentence, dean and i both knew what he was talking about.
"Dean, sam is right. I dont want you to leave me alone here. I feel safe with you around." I dont know why i said that but it was the truth. I did feel safe around dean and i didnt want to ever be without him. "So ill do whatever i have to." I finished.
Dean nodded, "okay, in about two hours the nurses will be making their rounds which means the doctor will probably come see you shortly after. The nurses wont be at the desk which gives us a better chance of not being heard."
"Okay so what do you have to do?" I asked.
"Were gonna hide in the bathroom right there and when he comes in, we make our move." Sam said.
I nodded and dean handed me a small vile of water. "This is holy water. If he gets to close before we get to him, throw this in his face." I nodded and held it in my hand. I smiled up at dean and he smiled back.
Right before shift change sam and dean walked in the bathroom and shut the door. I waited for fifteen minutes then a soft knock on my door sounded. "Come in." I yelled and sure enough it was doctor gram.
"How are we doing this evening?" If the conversation we had earlier hadnt have happened then i would have thought he was a normal doctor. I knew better though. I laid there gripping the vile of holy water dean had gave me under the covers.
"Fine." I said not looking at him.
"Well thats good. Wheres your two hunks that loiter around here?" He asked checking the monitors and iv tubes.
"They went to get food. The food here is shitty." Venom laced my voice which surprised me. I guess knowing dean and sam were just in the next room gave me more courage than before.
He laid his clipboard down on the bed and leaned down just a foot from my face. "Dont lie to me. I know those hunters are around here somewhere."
Just then dean and sam burst through the bathroom door. Before they could make a move the doctor shoved a syringe in my vein.
"Dean and sam winchester. What an honor. Ive heard alot about you." He smiled as dean went to take a step forward he noticed the syringe in my arm. "Careful boys, do you know what air bubbles in the blood can do to a person?"
Dean and sam backed up, the doctor nodded. "Good choice, now parker will be here in a few hours so i suggest you both be gone by the time he gets here."
At the mention of parker and that he was coming for me made me jump into action. I remembered the vile of holy water dean gave me and popped the cap off of it.
"No!" I screamed and used my free hand and arm to throw it in his face. He let go of the syringe as a burning sound and steam came from his face. I jerked the syringe from my arm and the other tubes.
Sam and dean moved into action then. They poured holy water on him as he yelled and more steam and burning sounds came from him. I rolled off the bed and landed with a big thud and a groan slipped from my lips.
I crawled over to the duffle bag searching through it to find something to help them. I heard sam speaking in latin and the doctor growling. The doctor threw sam across the room against the window and kicked dean backwards towards the bathroom door.
"You bitch, you just wait! Parker is gonna hear about this and what he did last time is nothing to what youre gonna get." Doctor gram said as he grabbed the ankle of my hurt leg. I yelled out in pain.
"Dean!" I screamed as he appeared behind the doctor. He stabbed him with the blade and it looked like fire flickering inside the doctor.
"Keep your fucking hands off her, you demonic son of a bitch." Dean said as doctor gram fell to the floor.
I gasped and looked at grams lifeless body on the floor. His dead eyes staring at me. "Oh my god....oh my god...." was all i could say. I couldnt take my eyes from him. I dry heaved and i didnt notice dean by my side.
"Hey, you okay?" It was like his voice was muffled. I looked at him as he spoke something to sam i couldnt quite make out. Sam pulled a pair of sweat pants and a flannel shirt out of a second bag i didnt know was there.
Dean shook my shoulder and i snapped out of my daze. "Are you okay?" He asked again. I nodded "my leg hurts."
He nodded and picked me up as gently as he could and sat me on the bed. Sam walked out of the bathroom in a pair of nurse scrubs and a fake id badge. I didnt even notice him walk into the bathroom. He walked out of the room and soon came back in with a gurny and a sheet. Dean and sam lifted gram up and onto the gurny, they stripped him of his clothes until he was just in his boxers. Sam covered him with the sheet and walked out calmly.
"Whats he doing? Hes not a nurse." I asked confused.
Dean shut the door, "hes taking him to the morgue. Cant have someone find the dead doctor in your assigned room. Dont wanna look like you did it." I nodded and knew what he meant. If they found him here id be number one on the local cops hit list.
"Now im gonna help you put these clothes on and we are gonna get you out of here." He said slowly. I looked down not wanting him to see me naked.
"Dont worry i wont look...much." he said the last part under his breath thinking i couldnt hear him but i did. Thinking of dean seeing me naked didnt make me feel uncomfortable, i actually liked the thought. I stripped the gown off and heard dean gasp as he looked at all the wounds and bruises that covered me.
He slid the sweat pants up my legs and lifted me enough to help me pull them up over my butt. They were to big but they would do. He helped slide my arms in the flannel shirt and he began to button it up. It smelled like him. These must be his clothes. I smiled as i enhaled the masculine scent.
Sam walked in shortly after with a wheelchair. Dean walked into the bathroom and came back out with the doctors white coat and a pair of scrubs. I have to say he looked amazing.
He walked over to me and lifted me gently but it still hurt my leg. I winced and he flinched hearing that. "Im so sorry sweetheart." I smiled and kissed his cheek. He smiled at that and placed me in the wheelchair.
"Sam you clean up here and ill take her to the car." Dean said as he wheeled me out of the room. I dont think i actually breathed until we was outside. Dean walked around the corner where there were no cameras and noone around. Out of the small bag he handed me before we left the room he pulled his jeans and tshirt out. He ditched the doctors coat and scrubs in the blink of an eye.
I didnt realize i was staring until he spoke. "Like what you see?" My cheeks heated and i turned my head away from him. I held out his jeans and shirt he took them with a chuckle. After he was dressed he shoved the doctors clothes in the bag as we headed to the car.
By the time he got me in the front seat sam was there climbing in the backseat. Dean climbed in after he put the wheelchair back in front of the hospital. The engine roared to life and i shut my eyes at the sound. "Oh ive always loved these classics. Theres nothing like the sound of a engine running to set fire to my blood." I smiled.
Dean was looking at me in awe and something else in his eyes. Sam cleared his throat in the backseat and dean pulled out onto the main road. "Where are we going?" I asked a few miles down the road.
"Were taking you home." Dean said and my eyes got wide. I dont wanna go home, ill die before i go back. "No, sweetheart. Our home which is your new home. Its going to be about a eight hour drive so if you need to stop at anytime let me know."
I sighed a relieved sigh, even though i didnt know the winchesters i still felt safe around them. Theyve showed me nothing but kindness. Plus im starting to develop a certain liking to dean. So i wanted to be around him and was glad he didnt want to get rid of me. Not yet at least.
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#right as rain coming up roses the saying goes#a bouquet all fine and dandy or so it goes#slash lyrics#right as rain by circusp featuring vocaloid 6 po-uta
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